Returns & Exchanges
In order to exchange or refund an order please send the Abandoned Clothing Facebook page a message and we will get in touch shortly.
We will offer a full refund if the product comes under any of the following:
- It arrived Ripped, damaged or unacceptable in anyway.
We can offer a return if the product comes under any of the following:
- It arrived Ripped, damaged or unacceptable in anyway.
- Doesn't fit and you want to exchange the size. You will however be charged postage for this.
We are unable to offer refunds or exchanges outside of two weeks after being delivered and will offer no refund or exchange if the product has been washed or worn to noticeable extent.
Please send all returns and exchanges to:
Abandoned Clotihng Returns
19 Coniston Road
Include a note of whether or not you want an exchange or refund and include the details of it stating the return address, the size changes and your order number and any other relevant information.